Achieve Your Goals
Supporting Your Success
Digestive Health & Food Allergy Management
The Guidance You Need
Hormonal Health
A Healthier You
Sports Nutrition Education
Better Decisions
Weight Loss Counseling
A Healthier You
Price List
New Client Package
90 min initial consultation
Monthly follow-ups 2x60min
Comprehensive health review and diet analysis
Personalized nutrition and lifestyle plan tailored to your unique needs, taking into account lifestyle, ethics and food preferences
Recommendations on targeted supplements with 10% price discount
Useful worksheets, handouts and personalized shopping lists
Guidance on additional tests + interpretation
One-off assesment appointment
general assesment of your health issues
review of your condition, lifestyle and test results
one test that best suits your needs and problem
taliored plan
reccomendation on supplements with 10% price discount
Existing Client
3 months support
Forthnight followups: 6 x 30 min
Aimed to monitor your progress and adjust the protocol to suit your evolving needs
Recomendations on targeted supplements with 10% price discount
Usefull worksheets, handouts and personalised shopping lists
Guidance on addtional tests + interpretation